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HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's Completed Shelf
Selection DaySelection Day, BookA Novel
by Adiga, AravindBook - 2017 | First Scribner hardcover editionBook, 2017. First Scribner hardcover edition
HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Feb 07, 2025
One-punch ManOne-punch Man, Graphic Novel19
by OneGraphic Novel - 2020Graphic Novel, 2020
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HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Feb 07, 2025
“One Punch Man. 19” is the 19th part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume starts with S-class hero, Child Emperor from Hero Association assembling a team to save a child hostage from the Monster Association base. It then switches to the heroes enjoying hotpot at Saitama’s home and fighting over the food. But while the Hero Association forms a rescue plan, one of the hostages, the hero-loving kid, gets dragged out of his cell and is about to get killed by a monster until Garou shows up and saves him. Together they try to leave and Garou encounters several monsters who engage in battle leaving Garou injured while trying to survive, he meets the Monster Association’s psychic strategist who reveals backstory details of monsters and their experiments.
I enjoyed this volume, especially the funny and action-filled moments. Near the beginning when it showed the characters sharing a hotpot in Saitama’s apartment and fighting for food, I felt very amused and content that even with all the chaos happening, there are still moments like these that lighten the mood. I thought the panels showing Garou’s intense fights were awesome and the way he keeps standing back up even after being hit multiple times was very inspirational. Garou has shown to be a very complex character now with his interesting motivations and the part where he tanks all the energy beams from the alien monster dog looked so cool and might be my favorite scene. The volume also reveals some fascinating information concerning monsters and the process of turning into one so I’m excited to see what else I will find out in the next volumes. --REVIEW BY ARZEE,10TH GRADER“One Punch Man. 19” is the 19th part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume starts with S-class hero, Child Emperor from Hero Association assembling a team to save a child hostage from the Monster Association base. It then switches to the…
One-punch ManOne-punch Man, Graphic Novel18
by ONEGraphic Novel - 2019 | Shonen Jump Manga editionGraphic Novel, 2019. Shonen Jump Manga edition
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HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Feb 07, 2025
“One Punch Man. 18” is the 18th part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume resumes with the crime rate in the city increasing after citizens start abandoning their morals in fear of the Monster Association. Garou dines and dashes then takes a walk, saving the hero-loving kid from getting bullied. Saitama, who witnessed Garou not paying for his food, quickly locates and knocks him out. When he wakes up, some monsters arrive to fight Garou and kidnap the hero-loving kid who was with him. In the next part, a familiar scientist who created the House of Evolution discusses the topic of “Limiters” and other concepts with a hero. Afterwards, the focus shifts to Saitama’s apartment where the creator of Genos visits for repairs and finally meets Saitama as well.
This volume was good and pretty intense. I liked how realistic the conflict was in the beginning because, with the threat of monsters roaming around, it’s understandable to act out in fear and even suggest joining the monsters to stay alive. The part where Saitama forgot his wallet to pay for his meal and Garou dined and dashed at the same restaurant was hilarious and when Garou protected the hero-loving kid I felt relieved and was rooting for him even if he came across as rude or intimidating. This book was mostly focused on Garou in a few parts but honestly Garou as a character is starting to grow on me and it makes me start to wonder when he will appear next as the story progresses. The panels where the scientist and hero discuss the topic of limiters were cool and I’m glad they added that conversation to this volume because it clears things up and answers some questions I had about monsters in that world, and it will be interesting to see how I can connect this new knowledge to future volumes. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“One Punch Man. 18” is the 18th part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume resumes with the crime rate in the city increasing after citizens start abandoning their morals in fear of the Monster Association. Garou dines and dashes then…
One-punch ManOne-punch Man, Graphic Novel17
by ONEGraphic Novel - 2019 | Shonen Jump manga editionGraphic Novel, 2019. Shonen Jump manga edition
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HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Feb 07, 2025
“One Punch Man. 17” is the 17th part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume starts with a glimpse into Garou’s past showing painful memories from his elementary school days. When playing with the other kids he would be forced to play the monster role while losing to the popular kid named Tatsu who would play the role of a hero. The story then switches back to the main fight where Garou is about to be beaten by the S-class heroes, but the battle gets interrupted when Garou gets kidnapped by a bird monster who carries him to the Monster Association base. Afterwards, the heroes that were present during the battle head to Saitama’s home and receive a visit from Blizzard who wants to ask Saitama for his help. The next part also reveals Garou waking up in the Monster Association’s hideout and upon being discovered, Garou was asked to bring the head of a hero in the next 24 hours to become an official member.
I liked this volume a lot, especially in the beginning when it started with another glimpse of Garou’s backstory. I get how it shaped him to be the person he is and how his emotions could turn into violence and hatred towards heroes over time. I kind of don’t like how in the backstory, the characters besides Garou, just look like dark figures with no detail but I do understand that it could have been just to make it clear that it’s a backstory, but I just wish that at least Tatsu was given a design since he seemed a little more important in shaping Garou. The fight scenes were incredible, and I loved the moment King and Saitama arrived at the battle because the entrance was very amusing. I didn’t expect the giant centipede monster to return but I’m glad it did too. The panels showing Garou waking up in the Monster Association hideout were very interesting and I wonder how he will deal with the task he was assigned to do in the next volume. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“One Punch Man. 17” is the 17th part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume starts with a glimpse into Garou’s past showing painful memories from his elementary school days. When playing with the other kids he would be forced to play the…
RecklessReckless, Book
by Roberts, LaurenBook - 2024 | First editionBook, 2024. First edition
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HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Jan 28, 2025
“Reckless" by Lauren Roberts is the third book in the “Powerless" series. It follows Kai, who is sent by King Kitt, to track down Paedyn after she killed the former king. Kai is torn between his loyalty to the crown and his lingering love for Paedyn, unsure if she deserves punishment. Meanwhile, Paedyn flees to Dor, enduring the harsh Scorches and fighting for survival while trying to escape those hunting her for a bounty. The story is intense as Kai and Paedyn’s paths cross in a thrilling game of cat and mouse.
I really enjoyed this book for many reasons. First, the dual POV gave insight into both characters’ emotions during their encounters, making their struggles clear. They hesitate to harm each other because of their conflicting feelings—each having lost their father at the other’s hands, leaving them torn between revenge and lingering affection. Additionally, I loved how the author portrayed Paedyn’s persistence and cleverness. Her determination to keep moving forward, despite the odds, highlights her strength. Her witty remarks also add a spark to the story, making her exchanges with Kai both intense and entertaining.
I’d recommend “Reckless” to readers who like YA fantasy stories filled with action and romance. The book follows characters dealing with betrayal and survival as they face challenges and complicated relationships. It’s perfect for those who enjoy stories with strong characters, emotional moments, and a mix of adventure and drama. If you like books that keep you on edge and make you root for the main characters, this one is a great pick. --REVIEW BY JASMIN, 9TH GRADER“Reckless" by Lauren Roberts is the third book in the “Powerless" series. It follows Kai, who is sent by King Kitt, to track down Paedyn after she killed the former king. Kai is torn between his loyalty to the crown and his lingering love for…
HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Jan 28, 2025
“One Punch Man. 16” is the 16th part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume continues with the injured Garou and a kid (who loves heroes) currently inside a worn-out hut. Garou notices the building is surrounded by heroes and goes outside to take them on, leading to a huge battle that contributes to his injuries and makes them even worse. Reminiscing about the past, he holds his own against the heroes but encounters Genos, S-class hero Silver Fang (Bang), and his older brother, Bomb and he then engages in another fight with them. Although monsters appeared to aid in the fight, they quickly got wiped out and it seems that Garou is presently in a hazardous situation.
I loved how this volume was mostly all action and kept me entertained with the awesome art and intense battle panels. I felt surprised that I rooted for Garou even though technically he is the villain, but I was feeling excited whenever he got out of a tricky position and used a new move set he learned, which was super cool. I like how this chapter delves a little deeper into his backstory and also shows how smart Garou is, making him appear more fearsome as he isn’t only strong but also smart enough to think quickly about his next moves and what the most efficient tactic is to use. When Genos and the other heroes arrived, I knew things would get serious and I wondered what the outcome of this battle would be. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“One Punch Man. 16” is the 16th part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume continues with the injured Garou and a kid (who loves heroes) currently inside a worn-out hut. Garou notices the building is surrounded by heroes and goes outside…
Goodbye StrangerGoodbye Stranger, Book
by Stead, RebeccaBook - 2015 | First EditionBook, 2015. First Edition
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HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Jan 28, 2025
Rebecca Stead’s Goodbye, Stranger was a really raw and authentic look into the life of three seventh-graders, each with their own weakness and troubles. The book was amazing because it was so much more realistic than other books catered toward the middle school age group. It showed life’s ups and downs without sugar coating them or making them seem more trivial than they really are, as adults often do. This was a book that felt as though it was written by someone who was actually a teenager.
It’s set in Manhattan, the story woven together by the lives of three friends, Bridge, Emily, and Tab. Bridge is still recovering from a life changing accident in her childhood. Emily is caught up in the attention of boys and seeking validation. Tabitha is fiercely idealistic, driven by her beliefs. Each one of them face different coming-of-age discoveries that strongly mirror those that we all face in our adolescence.
Along with their stories, there’s a mysterious second person P.O.V. of an unknown character who repeatedly skips school to reflect on her broken friendship. The mystery adds to the every-moving plotline. Stead’s writing is heartfelt, but with many nuances that make the writing its own. She skillfully portrays the awkwardness of adolescence, with authentic characters and an empathetic approach to sensitive topics.
Goodbye, Stranger is a thoughtful novel that middle schoolers, and even high schoolers can all learn from and relate to. It highlights the value of friendship and staying true to yourself. The story is a gentle reminder of the importance of kindness, understanding, and the connections that shape who we are, and is sure to leave a lasting impression, whether you know it or not. --REVIEW BY ANYA, 9TH GRADERRebecca Stead’s Goodbye, Stranger was a really raw and authentic look into the life of three seventh-graders, each with their own weakness and troubles. The book was amazing because it was so much more realistic than other books catered toward the…
One-punch ManOne-punch Man, Graphic Novel11
by ONEGraphic Novel - 2017 | Shonen Jump manga editionGraphic Novel, 2017. Shonen Jump manga edition
HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Jan 23, 2025
“One Punch Man. 11” is the 11th part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume resumes with the S-class hero, Metal Bat, in combat with the giant centipede monster destroying the city. Garou runs into Metal Bat and the two of them start a battle that catches the attention of the Monster Association members. As the city gets attacked, more monsters with their unique designs appear and start fighting various ranked heroes as well. Meanwhile, the Martial Arts tournament that Saitama participates in, finally begins and introduces all the other competitors and matchups. Afterward, more bonus chapters focus on Saitama’s experience with teamwork and a glimpse of Metal Bat’s backstory.
I liked how this volume was full of amazing battles and the introductions of new characters, both heroes and monsters. I enjoyed how each character had their unique design and background, which made the overall story feel more fleshed out and I wonder if any one of the new people they introduced will be more focused on in future volumes. I also liked how some of the characters mentioned in the Martial Arts tournament are characters who appeared in previous volumes as well. In the later parts, this volume expanded more on the S-class hero Metal Bat and his relationship with his little sister, which I find very cute and wholesome. It was hilarious when reading the bonus manga and the moments focusing on Metal Bat and his sister were my personal favorite, so I hope that they get mentioned more in the next volumes. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“One Punch Man. 11” is the 11th part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume resumes with the S-class hero, Metal Bat, in combat with the giant centipede monster destroying the city. Garou runs into Metal Bat and the two of them start a…
One-punch ManOne-punch Man, Graphic Novel10
by ONEGraphic Novel - 2017 | Shonen Jump manga editionGraphic Novel, 2017. Shonen Jump manga edition
HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Jan 23, 2025
“One Punch Man. 10” is the 10th part of the manga series created by ONE. In this volume, Garou now known as the “Hero Hunter” starts his hunt to defeat more heroes and gets stronger with each successful fight he starts, befriending a kid and using his knowledge to get more background information on other heroes. Meanwhile, Saitama visits the hospital and obtains a ticket to a martial arts competition where he decides to participate for a grand cash prize. Afterward, the S-class hero known as “Metal Bat” is assigned a mission to be a bodyguard for an executive and his child but encounters dangerous monsters while protecting them. In the next parts, are more bonus manga which include the S-class hero Tornado’s day off, a costume contest, and B-class hero Blizzard’s attempt to recruit Saitama again.
This volume was pretty good, and I liked the humor shown in the story as well as the character designs for monsters, especially the giant centipede monster because he looked so scary and intimidating to look at. Some pages have a little fan service art, but this book was mostly bonus manga in the later parts which I liked, and I hope they continue adding the bonus chapters since it's fun reading those side stories that help me get a deeper understanding of the characters. Saitama was present for some of the stories concerning the tournament and the bonus chapters. Still, it wasn’t that focused on him and was more focused on the other characters whom I believe will have important roles as the story progresses so I’m appreciative that the author decided to concentrate more on them. Overall, the story was great to read, and I wonder whom the next volume will be centered around next. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“One Punch Man. 10” is the 10th part of the manga series created by ONE. In this volume, Garou now known as the “Hero Hunter” starts his hunt to defeat more heroes and gets stronger with each successful fight he starts, befriending a kid and using…
Better Than the MoviesBetter Than the Movies, Book
by Painter, LynnBook - 2021 | First editionBook, 2021. First edition
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HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Jan 16, 2025
In the movies, the story is always the same: girl and guy meet cute, fall in love, and ‘happily ever after’ their way off into the distance. Real life never seems to work out that way though. After a whole lot of heartbreak, failed relationships, and loss, love expert Liz Buxbaum is just jumping in her boots when Michael–her childhood crush–moves back into town during her senior year. This could be her big break! What will she do to get Michael to ask her to prom? Anything, including a temporary truce with her long-time enemy (and neighbor), Wes Bennet. But as the lines between allies, friends, and maybe something more blur, Liz realizes that she might have to reconsider what she considers ‘love’... and if what she’s searching for is truly her happily ever after.
I enjoyed reading this book. Too much. As a person who is just getting back into reading and never experimented with reading romance books before, this book was probably the best thing I could have started with! The perfect buildup of tension and absolutely hilarious comedy kept me hooked. My favorite part was probably the bucketload of song references, which had me kicking my feet (as a music enthusiast).
I would recommend this book to those who are getting into reading, enjoy rom-coms, or just want a quick but satisfying read. Also, this book might appeal to anyone who likes reading romance without a lot of 18+ content, especially teens. --REVIEW BY AASHI, 9TH GRADERIn the movies, the story is always the same: girl and guy meet cute, fall in love, and ‘happily ever after’ their way off into the distance. Real life never seems to work out that way though. After a whole lot of heartbreak, failed relationships,…
One-punch ManOne-punch Man, Graphic Novel09
by ONEGraphic Novel - 2016 | Shonen Jump manga editionGraphic Novel, 2016. Shonen Jump manga edition
HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Jan 16, 2025
“One Punch Man. 9” is the 9th part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume continues with the Hero Association meeting with the villains and thugs that go wrong after the introduction of Garou who attacks both heroes and villains, believing that the more people he defeats the closer he is to be the strongest monster. Meanwhile, Speed-o’-Sound Sonic returns to face Saitama but instead meets Genos at his apartment causing them both to fight each other. While this is happening, the B-class rank 1 hero shows up to recruit Saitama but after he declines, they too have a huge fight revealing her motivations in the process.
I liked how intimidating the character Garou is and his interesting backstory. His motivations fueled by a desire to stand up for monsters and trying to become one himself is a very unique concept to me. Fubuki (Blizzard), the B-class rank 1 hero is also a cool character, and her backstory of being overshadowed by her sister is understandable and her design is beautiful. I think her powers are also very cool and the art style for this volume was amazing because there were a lot of battles shown with a high amount of detail which made it fun to read. Overall, the way the story introduced and delved deeper into the new character’s backgrounds were compelling and I hope they appear soon in the next volumes. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“One Punch Man. 9” is the 9th part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume continues with the Hero Association meeting with the villains and thugs that go wrong after the introduction of Garou who attacks both heroes and villains, believing…
One-punch ManOne-punch Man, Graphic Novel08
by ONEGraphic Novel - 2016 | Shonen Jump manga editionGraphic Novel, 2016. Shonen Jump manga edition
HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Jan 16, 2025
“One Punch Man. 8” is the 8th part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume starts with the introduction of King, an S-class hero who is hyped up as the strongest man who has a shocking secret that gets revealed after being put in danger and saved by Saitama. Meanwhile, Genos fights a massive robot (whose original purpose was to fight King) that threatens the city as well. In the next parts, it also shows the Hero Association calling all villains and thugs to gather for a meeting in hopes of working together to face an upcoming threat and some bonus manga about Saitama finding a lost cat and sharing a hotpot with Genos and the S-class hero, Bang.
I liked how this volume focused more on King in the beginning, and I think the way Saitama and King like video games is pretty cool to have in common. The twist about King was shocking since I didn’t know he would turn out this way until they revealed it. I think the bonus manga about Saitama being assigned a mission to find a lost cat for a little girl was pretty fun to read and the contrasting priorities between Genos fighting an alien while Saitama finds a lost cat is also an amusing story element to see. I see that Genos has been in a lot of fights so far and I like his character development up to this point after being around Saitama. About King, I think his feelings about his situation are also realistic and wonder if we will see him more in future volumes since his secret was now revealed to Saitama. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“One Punch Man. 8” is the 8th part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume starts with the introduction of King, an S-class hero who is hyped up as the strongest man who has a shocking secret that gets revealed after being put in danger and…
One-punch ManOne-punch Man, Graphic Novel07
by ONEGraphic Novel - 2016 | Shonen Jump manga editionGraphic Novel, 2016. Shonen Jump manga edition
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HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Jan 16, 2025
“One Punch Man. 7” is the 7th part of the manga series created by ONE. The volume resumes with the fight between Boros and Saitama where they exchange blows and power up, even launching Saitama to the moon. Meanwhile, the S-class heroes are fighting the alien below and using the surrounding rubble to destroy the alien airship. After the battles reached an end, the damage to the city was too severe so the Hero Association decided to expand and rebuild their base using a hero named Metal Knight to complete the task in a short amount of time. Afterward, the volume also shows some short bonus chapters focusing on characters which include Saitama and other heroes.
I loved how great the art was displaying the fight between the aliens and the heroes, and I thought about the events that happened like Saitama being punched into the moon, to be very surprising. I also thought that how S-class hero Tornado used rubble from the city to destroy the airship was a very cool and powerful move. I was very satisfied with the resolution of this fight. When the story moved on to the bonus chapters, it was a very nice and funny read, especially the parts with Saitama in it and Metal Bat being present to talk to his little sister too. I found it interesting how they revealed the strained relationship between the Hero Association and the police force. I think what Saitama did in the story was very kind and I like seeing these short stories that show more and more of his personality and generous nature. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“One Punch Man. 7” is the 7th part of the manga series created by ONE. The volume resumes with the fight between Boros and Saitama where they exchange blows and power up, even launching Saitama to the moon. Meanwhile, the S-class heroes are fighting…
Spy School RevolutionSpy School Revolution, BookA Spy School Novel
by Gibbs, StuartBook - 2020 | First editionBook, 2020. First edition
HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Jan 07, 2025
Spy School Revolution is the eighth novel in the fast-paced Spy School series by Stuart Gibbs, which follows young spy Ben Ripley through another heart-pounding mission. This time, Ben faces one of his most dangerous challenges as he finds a conspiracy involving a shadowy group called the Croatoan. This seems to be an organization behind a series of attacks that put the security of the nation in jeopardy, and Ben has to find a way to stop them. As usual, Ben has to use his intelligence along with that of his friends, including the ever-resourceful Erica Hale, in piecing together the clues. Action sequences, clever twists, and moments of humor crop up now and then to keep the story fresh.
What really sets Spy School Revolution apart, however, is the depth of strategy and historical plot. Mysterious ties to the past make the Croatoan a very interesting element of the story, giving a real twist to the story from the other books. Ben develops further as a character, with many insecurities being weighed against added responsibilities as a young spy. Stuart Gibbs once again delivers a perfect blend of action, humor, and suspense, making it hard to put the book down.
I would highly recommend Spy School Revolution to any middle-grade reader who loves a fast-paced adventure with comic overtones. If one enjoys series like Percy Jackson or Alex Ryder, they will like the mix of thrilling missions with relatable characters. This is also a good series for a reader who hasn't started the Spy School series yet, as there's enough context to know what is going on without having to go back and read all the others. Light in tone, with some seriously smart aleck dialogue, it should delight kids and adults alike who love a good spy tale.
All in all, I found Spy School Revolution to be an entertainingly crafted addition to the series. Stuart Gibbs keeps his perfect balance of humor and suspense, sprinkling in plenty of surprises to keep readers hooked. The journey of Ben Ripley is as fun as ever, with a unique plot adding fresh spice, making this book a must-read for any series fan in search of a fun, action-packed story. --REVIEW BY AVINAASH, 9TH GRADERSpy School Revolution is the eighth novel in the fast-paced Spy School series by Stuart Gibbs, which follows young spy Ben Ripley through another heart-pounding mission. This time, Ben faces one of his most dangerous challenges as he finds a…
One-punch ManOne-punch Man, Graphic Novel06
by ONEGraphic Novel - 2016 | Shonen Jump manga editionGraphic Novel, 2016. Shonen Jump manga edition
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HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Jan 07, 2025
“One Punch Man. 6” is the 6th part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume continues with Genos and Saitama (coming along) being summoned for an S-class emergency meeting. It is then revealed that one of their allies Shibabawa, a great seer, has passed away and foretold a prophecy stating that the Earth is in great danger. Afterward, a huge attack from the sky causes a big explosion and destroys most of the city. A massive ship appears, and the S-class heroes start to fight the alien that came to Earth but Saitama infiltrates the airship and tries to find and take down the enemy leader while defeating any monster who gets in his way and saves the planet from disaster.
I liked how the main conflict of this volume was the invasion because it showed a lot of intense fight scenes. More S-class heroes were introduced and showed some of their skills and abilities during the battle. I think the rank 2 S-class hero looks very interesting and her powers are pretty cool, so I hope she shows up more often in the next volumes as well. The alien that fought Saitama named Boros looks unique and very extraterrestrial. His design looked awesome, and I can tell the artist did an amazing job displaying this character as intimidating because of his huge stature and giant eye. I overall enjoyed reading this volume since it was very action-packed, and I wonder if any deaths will occur in the next volume during this alien invasion. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“One Punch Man. 6” is the 6th part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume continues with Genos and Saitama (coming along) being summoned for an S-class emergency meeting. It is then revealed that one of their allies Shibabawa, a great seer,…
One-punch ManOne-punch Man, Graphic Novel05
by ONEGraphic Novel - 2016 | Shonen Jump manga editionGraphic Novel, 2016. Shonen Jump manga edition
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HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Jan 07, 2025
“One Punch Man. 5” is the 5th part of the manga series created by ONE. The volume starts with an S-class hero and the Ninja, “Speed-o’-Sound Sonic” from the previous volume trying to fight the Deep Sea King. After being beaten, the Deep Sea King continues to bring destruction around him and becomes even stronger after it starts raining, giving him a huge power boost from the water. He then comes across the evacuation shelter to the terror of the civilians. Some heroes from other ranks come to join the fight including Genos but as all hope seems lost, Saitama arrives to fight the Deep Sea King and save everyone.
I enjoyed this volume and how it focuses more on the other characters and heroes trying to fight the Deep Sea King instead of Saitama because the fight would end too quickly. I loved how Speed-o’-Sound Sonic was shown not to be a weak character and is very intelligent when observing the fight knowing he can only win with a weapon. I find his speed to be an interesting and helpful ability to have and I think later on he might be a strong opponent for others that he comes across. The art style showing the transformations was incredibly detailed and the way they drew Genos when he was getting beaten showed all the wiring and small metallic parts that make up his body which was all pretty cool to see. I felt a little unsatisfied at the end because Saitama wasn’t appreciated that much after the fight, but I hope that changes soon in the next volumes. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“One Punch Man. 5” is the 5th part of the manga series created by ONE. The volume starts with an S-class hero and the Ninja, “Speed-o’-Sound Sonic” from the previous volume trying to fight the Deep Sea King. After being beaten, the Deep Sea King…
One-punch ManOne-punch Man, Graphic Novel03
by ONEGraphic Novel - 2015 | Shonen Jump manga editionGraphic Novel, 2015. Shonen Jump manga edition
HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Dec 30, 2024
“One Punch Man. 3” is the 3rd part of the manga series created by ONE. The volume continues with Genos and Saitama taking the hero certification exams. Saitama barely passes the written exam but gets outstanding results for the physical and is placed in rank C while Genos gets placed straight to rank S with perfect scores for the physical and written tests. Afterwards, they both train by sparing for a bit. After Genos moves in with Saitama, It is revealed that rank C heroes who are inactive for a week will be dropped from the hero registry. So in the next parts, Saitama has to deal with the struggle of finding bad guys and another encounter with the Ninja, “Speed-o’-Sound Sonic” who once again picks a fight with him.
I loved how interesting this volume was and the training scene with Genos and Saitama was incredible. The details were great, and it displayed the strength and power that they both have. The panels showing the hero certification exam were hilarious and I liked how nonchalant Saitama is about everything. I felt that it’s a little unfair for Saitama not to be recognized yet by the public because of him not being in the hero registry but now that he is I wonder how high he will climb in ranking. I also felt excited to see the “Speed-o’-Sound Sonic” back challenging Saitama because all their interactions were very amusing to see, and I also wonder if he will show up in the next volume. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“One Punch Man. 3” is the 3rd part of the manga series created by ONE. The volume continues with Genos and Saitama taking the hero certification exams. Saitama barely passes the written exam but gets outstanding results for the physical and is…
One-punch ManOne-punch Man, Graphic Novel02
by ONEGraphic Novel - 2015 | Shonen Jump manga editionGraphic Novel, 2015. Shonen Jump manga edition
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HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Dec 30, 2024
“One Punch Man. 2” is the 2nd part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume reveals the backstory of the “House of Evolution” started by a scientist who has been genetically modifying experiments to develop superior life forms. As Genos and Saitama approach the hideout, they are attacked by one of those genetically modified monsters mentioned before by orders from the scientist. Afterwards, a group of men with bald heads form and target rich people but it becomes a problem for Saitama to deal with as he doesn’t want to be associated with those thugs because of his bald head. In the next parts, Saitama also has to deal with a Ninja picking a fight with him and deciding with Genos to sign up for the hero registry.
I liked how well-drawn the fight scenes are in this volume and how detailed they become whenever they involve effects and expressions. The backstory they show at the start was a great way to get me interested in the lore of the scientist and it makes me wonder if he will show up again in another volume. I think my favorite character is Saitama now because I like how relatable and hardworking he is. This volume was really funny, especially at the part where Saitama fights Carnage Kabuto and the Ninja because it had some amusing elements and wasn’t overly serious at all. Overall, I enjoyed this volume and I’m looking forward to reading the next one. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“One Punch Man. 2” is the 2nd part of the manga series created by ONE. This volume reveals the backstory of the “House of Evolution” started by a scientist who has been genetically modifying experiments to develop superior life forms. As Genos and…
One-punch ManOne-punch Man, Graphic Novel01
by ONEGraphic Novel - 2015 | Shonen Jump manga editionGraphic Novel, 2015. Shonen Jump manga edition
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HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Dec 30, 2024
“One Punch Man. 1” is the 1st part of the manga series created by ONE. This story starts with a huge attack led by a villain called “Vaccine Man” who gets defeated rather quickly after the introduction of the main character named Saitama who takes him down after only one punch. This man states he is a hero just for fun but often finds himself bored because of his unbelievable strength and inability to face an actual challenging enemy. Next, we see a bit of his backstory as well as more fights that eventually end in his favor after a single punch. Afterward, an enemy that controls mosquitoes shows up in the city and engages in combat with a cyborg named Genos. Still, despite his best efforts he almost gets defeated until Saitama steps in and saves the day once more earning the trust and respect from Genos.
This story was amazing and really funny. I like the art style and the way Saitama looks normally compared to his looks when the quality shifts and he gets serious. The concept of a hero who always beats his enemies with one punch is really funny and his feelings of boredom from his powers are portrayed realistically since it does make sense for him to not get any excitement from enemies who can’t challenge him properly. The panels where it showed Saitama trying but failing to kill a mosquito was really funny and the character that was introduced named Genos seems cool too. I really loved this story and would recommend it to those who enjoy action and comedy. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“One Punch Man. 1” is the 1st part of the manga series created by ONE. This story starts with a huge attack led by a villain called “Vaccine Man” who gets defeated rather quickly after the introduction of the main character named Saitama who takes…
Cells at Work!Cells at Work!, Graphic Novel06
by Shimizu, AkaneGraphic Novel - 2021 | English editionGraphic Novel, 2021. English edition
HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Dec 30, 2024
“Cells At Work! 06” is the 6th volume of the manga series created by Akane Shimizu. The story continues with a white blood cell encountering a troubled platelet named “Flip Back” who wants to be helpful and work hard for her team of platelets. As she talks to the white blood cell and tries to be more confident, a huge explosion occurs that tests her courage as a proper platelet. In the next part, it also focuses on the Eosinophil and the White blood cell together. While they bleed out and believe they are dying, they both reminisce about a specific cell they once knew. Afterward, this volume also introduces a new cell like a rod cell (cells that perceive light in the retina) as well as the struggles of fighting off the novel coronavirus.
The manga has been great and interesting so far and I loved the art style throughout the whole book. The platelets are super cute and I’m glad we got a platelet-focused story in the first segment. The introduction of the megakaryocyte was surprising, and her personality and design were cool to see. I also liked how they went more in-depth about the Eosinophil and white blood cell (neutrophil) backstories a bit more since they don’t really get covered a lot, but I do think the fact they knew the same cell and looked up to him was cute and also very interesting. The twist near the ending was really funny to read through and later on when they introduced the novel coronavirus, I also felt surprised but also excited to see how they would handle it. Overall, this manga series was very educational and has taught me many things about the body that I didn’t know before, so I’d recommend you give the anime a chance or read this manga and immerse yourself in this world of hard-working cells. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“Cells At Work! 06” is the 6th volume of the manga series created by Akane Shimizu. The story continues with a white blood cell encountering a troubled platelet named “Flip Back” who wants to be helpful and work hard for her team of platelets. As…
Cells at Work!Cells at Work!, Graphic Novel05
by Shimizu, AkaneGraphic Novel - 2017Graphic Novel, 2017
HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Dec 30, 2024
“Cells At Work! 05” is the 5th part of the manga series created by Akane Shimizu. The volume focuses on the adventure of an ordinary cell and his unusual encounter with some lactic acid bacteria. Worried that other immune cells might kill them, the ordinary cell teams up with a white blood cell to return these good bacteria to their families near the digestive system. Meanwhile, as they face dangerous situations in bringing the lactic acid bacteria to their homes, the immune cells involved reveal that they are looking for a cancer cell in the body (which appeared in a previous chapter), that is planning his revenge against this world.
I liked how they portrayed the good bacteria and their designs because they looked adorable. I think it’s clever how they could explain the lactic acid bacteria while the ordinary cells tried to reunite them with their families too. This volume focused a lot on the digestive system and showed the different types of bacteria that can be found which made this a nice educational part along with the fun storyline. The art style was excellent, especially during the fight scenes between the immune cells and the cancer cells. I also loved the design for the cancer cell because I thought he looked very cool with his veiny skin and discolored eyes. I was very interested in the story while reading and I am very curious about what will happen in the next volume. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“Cells At Work! 05” is the 5th part of the manga series created by Akane Shimizu. The volume focuses on the adventure of an ordinary cell and his unusual encounter with some lactic acid bacteria. Worried that other immune cells might kill them, the…
Cells at Work!Cells at Work!, Graphic Novel04
by Shimizu, AkaneGraphic Novel - 2017 | English editionGraphic Novel, 2017. English edition
HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Dec 30, 2024
“Cells At Work! 04” is the 4th part of the manga series created by Akane Shimizu. This volume starts with a red blood cell getting attacked but gets quickly saved by a newly introduced monocyte which we learn is a type of white blood cell that also destroys germs. Later, dangerous antigens called Staphylococcus Aureus arrive in the body to invade and complete their revenge against the immune cells, killing everybody. Afterward, the volume also focuses on mosquito bites starting with the Mast cell dumping a lot of histamine to all the other cells' dismay. Still, even after everyone voices their annoyance with her doing this, the Mast cell knows she has to do her job even if others complain about it. There are also other situations mentioned that focus more on a red blood cell trying to be a mentor and more dangerous situations both red blood cells and white blood cells need to face.
I loved how this volume had more character developments happen especially with the Mast cell knowing that even though her histamine may inconvenience others, it still benefits the body which makes her job very important. Signaling the immune cells to rush to the scene helped to defeat the viruses that entered through the mosquito bite and ultimately saved the day so I’m glad the other cells were able to recognize that in the end. I like the design for the Staphylococcus Aureus because I think they look very cool and the twist about who the monocytes are was fun to see too. Both the monocytes and macrophages don’t get a lot of the spotlight but in this volume, they do which is great to see. Learning about them more in depth was interesting and educational which makes me wonder what other cells or situations will be introduced in the next volume. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“Cells At Work! 04” is the 4th part of the manga series created by Akane Shimizu. This volume starts with a red blood cell getting attacked but gets quickly saved by a newly introduced monocyte which we learn is a type of white blood cell that also…
HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Dec 30, 2024
“Cells At Work! 03” is the 3rd part of the manga series created by Akane Shimizu. This volume starts with the topic of the circulatory system and follows a red blood cell trying to make its way through full circulation without getting lost. Determined to do this task alone, a white blood cell monitors her throughout the cycle to ensure nothing gets in her way. The next part focuses on the life of a normal cell encountering a strange pale cell and together they play pranks on the immune cells with a twist at the end. After this, the backstories of the Killer T cell and Helper T cells are explored as well as the Memory cell’s strange vision of doom and destruction happening soon.
I liked this volume a lot as it gave me more insight into how the circulatory system worked and went in-depth on the backstories of the Killer T cells. It was fascinating to see what the Killer T cells were like in the past and it was surprising to find out how different their personalities are. I loved the dynamic of the red blood cell and the white blood cell always being appreciated by each other and whenever the white blood cell would help out the red blood cell during the circulation cycle, it made me very happy knowing he’s got her back. The part with the normal cell and the pale-looking cell playing pranks on the immune cells was pretty funny and I hope the next volumes will be just as entertaining as this one. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“Cells At Work! 03” is the 3rd part of the manga series created by Akane Shimizu. This volume starts with the topic of the circulatory system and follows a red blood cell trying to make its way through full circulation without getting lost.…
HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Dec 30, 2024
“Cells At Work! 02” is the 2nd part of the manga series created by Akane Shimizu. The volume introduces an Eosinophil struggling to fight off a germ but gets saved by a white blood cell. As the other cells start looking down on her, a giant parasite (Anisakis, food poisoning from seafood) arrives causing everyone great fear and it’s up to Eosinophil to defeat it and display her true talents. Afterward, the story moves on and gives some insight into the main character’s backstory (the red blood cell) as well as more dangerous situations that happen within the body which include heat stress and combating cancer cells.
This volume was educational because of its explanations whenever new cells or situations are introduced. I liked the design for the Eosinophil because I thought her weapon and hairstyle looked pretty cool and I’m glad she got the recognition she deserved by doing the job she’s good at. The backstory of the red blood cell was interesting and also made me feel scared for her at times whenever she would get lost and encounter dangerous bacteria. The cancer cell part was really good and a little scary to think that it could deceive other cells into thinking it’s normal but when the cancer cell was revealed I thought his design looked so cool too. The backstory it showed for the cancer cell was really sad in my opinion, but I’m impressed how the author was able to make me feel bad for a cancer cell. Overall, this volume was great, and I wonder what other situations they will explore in the next one. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“Cells At Work! 02” is the 2nd part of the manga series created by Akane Shimizu. The volume introduces an Eosinophil struggling to fight off a germ but gets saved by a white blood cell. As the other cells start looking down on her, a giant parasite…
HPL_Teen_Volunteer1's rating:
Added Dec 30, 2024
“Cells At Work! 01” is the 1st part of the manga series created by Akane Shimizu. The story shows us the life of the cells that keep the body running and healthy. This volume starts off focusing on a specific red blood cell that is completing the task of delivering some oxygen. An explosion happens within the body causing the appearance of bacteria that attack the other cells trying to invade the body. Fortunately, white blood cells appear to kill most of the bacteria that enter. Still, one specific white blood cell meets the red blood cell mentioned before and develops a friendship when they occasionally meet each other during dangerous situations.
This story was amazing because I liked how it’s mostly about the lives of cells depicted as regular people doing their specific jobs which is a very cool concept to me. The 2 cells it focused on, a red blood cell and a white blood cell, were a very fun duo to see. I loved how fierce the white blood cells are when destroying the bacteria because it’s like watching an intense fight scene and knowing that’s what white blood cells do in my own body makes it feel even cooler to read. The manga has a good explanation for each of the important cells and bacteria for the reader to look at to get educated about the biology of the body while enjoying the story and I would recommend this series to anyone interested in action, adventure, and comedy as well as people who like biology because I believe they will also love this awesome manga series. --REVIEW BY ARZEE, 10TH GRADER“Cells At Work! 01” is the 1st part of the manga series created by Akane Shimizu. The story shows us the life of the cells that keep the body running and healthy. This volume starts off focusing on a specific red blood cell that is completing the…